Frequently Asked Questions

  • What if I still want to burn DVDs?
    You can still burn DVDs as you would like. This service is here to simplify
    the process and get the video in High Definition.
  • Will this work with an Apple TV?
    This does not work on an Apple TV. The Apple TV does have an app store and does not allow local storage for the video. However, you can AirPlay an HD video from an iOS device to an Apple TV.
  • What if my internet is slow? Will it buffer like a YouTube video?
    This service works by downloading the HD file to the Chromecast. You will never see buffering! The faster
    the internet connection, the faster the download of the file. The HD files are smaller than the DVD files so either way, this will save you time.
  • What if the visitation is somewhere without internet?
    If your visitation is somewhere without the internet, you can have your Chromecast download the video before leaving your facility. Then it will play the video perfectly at the visitation.